Channel: yaboiAC
Category: Gaming
Tags: phanphymystery dungeonpmdlegendnintendo switchdsredguildpost gamemachampdarknessgrovyleskylets playkool kidzpokemon mystery dungeon lets playcomedyvaadventuremysteryepisode 1walkthroughpokemon mystery dungeon rescue team dxplaythroughkool kidsgameplaybossdusknoirmomentscelebipokemon mystery dungeonrioluofcharizardcharmandereventfunnygamingpokemongbateamdungeonpart 1groudonbattleevolveblueexplorerstimestory
Description: 😎Become a member of the Aquatic Crew!😎 Members would help support this channel as we grow and take on new ideas and challenges! It's never needed but would be immensely appreciated! Its time for a brand new Pokemon adventure! We're taking on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky! And we'll be attempting to recruit every Pokemon available! Full playlist here! - Series art done by Taplaos! #PMD#Stream#ExplorersofSky Directly supported by the amazing Aquatic Crew! MrdmLuv2012 Lost / ZBlue / An Alex Skin / Trainer Sparks / AdorkableChan / Phantom Pyre / Mr.Nerd King / beanie bee / Kenta124 / Lethiqa You can support the channel through donations! Any donation of any kind would be immensely appreciated! Donations are never required or needed tho to show your support! Thank you :D 🌟 🌟 🔥Aquatic Styles MERCH🔥: Hope you have a chill day! Thanks again for joining us on the video! My name is Wes, The Aquatic Charizard, and I hope you enjoyed this video! Let me know that you did by liking the video and subscribing for more!